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One Another Online from NDCW

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Online Performance

Immerse yourself in three rich, intimate dance films bringing you closer than ever before.

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One Another Online from NDCW
One Another Online from NDCW

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Available Now

Online Performance

About The Event

Didn't see NDCW perform CODI live this spring? Don’t worry – there is a chance to immerse yourself in three rich, intimate dance films bringing you closer to the dancers and our triple bill than ever before.

Wild Thoughts by Andrea Costanzo Martini is a joyful celebration of our fascinating bodies– as silly as it is skilful – this dynamic dance work is full of daring movement and deeply human moments that are sure to make you smile.

Next get lost in a powerful story of Welsh mining communities banding together in tough times. Codi by Anthony Matsena features evocative close ups and a rousing soundtrack from composer Lara Agar. This stirring dance work guides you through the darkness into light.

Lastly jump feet first back into childhood as Ludo by Caroline Finn invites you to escape into a playground of wild imagination where nothing stays the same for long.

Getting older doesn’t mean growing up: stay and play with the clever costumes and wacky soundtrack that completes this dark comedy.


Heb ein gweld yn perfformio’n fyw y gwanwyn hwn? Peidiwch â phoeni – mae cyfle i chi ymgolli eich hun mewn triawd o ffilmiau dawns clos, cyfoethog sy’n dod â chi’n nes at y dawnswyr a’n rhaglen driphlyg nag erioed o’r blaen.

Mae Wild Thoughts gan Andrea Costanzo Martini yn ddathliad llawen o’n cyrff hynod ddiddorol– cyn wirioned ag y mae’n fedrus – mae’r gwaith dawns deinamig hwn yn llawn o symudiad mentrus ac adegau hynod ddynol sy’n sicr o ddod â gwên i’ch wyneb.

Nesaf, dewch i ymgolli’ch hun mewn stori bwerus am gymunedau glofaol Cymreig yn dod ynghyd mewn amseroedd anodd. Mae Codi gan Anthony Matsena yn cyflwyno lluniau agos sy’n procio’r côf a thrac sain egnïol gan y cyfansoddwr Lara Agar. Mae’r gwaith dawns cyffrous hwn yn eich tywys chi drwy’r tywyllwch i oleuni.

Yn olaf camwch heb oedi yn ôl i fyd plentyndod wrth i Ludo gan Caroline Finn eich gwahodd i ddianc i faes chwarae dychmygus gwyllt lle nad oes unrhyw beth yn aros yr un fath am yn hir iawn.

Nid yw mynd yn hŷn yn golygu tyfu i fyny: arhoswch i chwarae â’r gwisgoedd clyfar a’r trac sain gwallgof sy’n cwblhau’r gomedi dywyll hon.

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